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FIXING US: World leaders in Sustainable Content Creation

When we set out to build our organisation, we focused on being a leading creator of authentic and engaging health content, following real patient journeys. As we enter 2024, FIXING US has achieved an additional milestone that we had not really planned upon but which we are immensely proud of.

FIXING US has been certified as a Carbon Neutral Business, with credentials that are robust, credible and unparalleled amongst other content creators. At FIXING US, we have been revolutionizing the content creation landscape with our commitment to sustainability as we lead the green revolution for content production.

We had been happily working with our clients for years when, suddenly, we were expected to undergo new and costly procurement processes so as to attain a variety of sustainability-related credentials. We have always been committed to sustainability - devising and implementing systems and processes to support a greener world - but we had not envisaged being tested on this by our clients and for this test to determine our ability to work with themmoving forward. The stakes could not be higher for us on a number of levels.

Well, the results are in…

We are pleased to say that we not only passed with flying colours but as far as being a sustainable content creation partner for our clients, FIXING US is leading the green revolution and, if you want assurances that your health content creator has unparalleled sustainability credentials, you need not look any further.

We’re Going Beyond

FIXING US is committed to Science-Based Targets (SBTi), we exceed GHG Emissions Protocol Accounting Standards, have earned a high EcoVadis score and we have a sustainability plan that can reassure, and frankly impress, any procurement team.

FIXING US is offsetting its total carbon emissions through internationally certified carbon offsetting projects including Certified via the Verra - Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Gold Standard – Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) and the United Nations - Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programmes.

We are certified as a Carbon Neutral Business by Carbon Neutral Britain (who also made this video with the announcement), providing assurances that our carbon neutral credentials are both robust and credible, following calculation using the ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Emissions Standard principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy and helping produce our Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP).

We also optimise our projects based on their direct and indirect impact around the world, not just in offsetting but in how they support things like education, employment and access to clean water, as well as having a net positive impact on the local wildlife and ecology.

It’s Always Been Part Of Our DNA And Your Deliverables

To be honest, sustainability has always been part of our DNA but this was really because we felt that it was the right thing to do and we had found ways to capture value, opportunities and advantages for us and our clients. It was never something we raved about because it wasn’t always a requirement for clients when pitching for their business. But that’s no longer the case.


We have been making significant research and development investments into remote- and self-filming technologies and processes to help vastly reduce travel and crew-intensive content to help us achieve net zero, improving authenticity, intimacy and delivery timelines of content, whilst reducing emissions from travel and workplace energy consumption. 

Clients and partners are increasingly expecting more from content partners, requiring adherence to the highest standards in Sustainability, whilst at the same time accommodating budgetary constraints and helping to address market challenges. It’s a relief that we can now provide proof and accreditation to give them the assurances they need and a confidence that FIXING US is indeed a leader in this space too.

We invest in the latest eco-friendly equipment, minimizing our carbon footprint without compromising on quality. We have also introduced green policies and guidelines for educating people and crew, employing a range of practices that engender a culture of diversity and sustainability including: 

  • Utilising remote-filming kits, video-diary/ self-filming techniques and remote-direction tools for capturing footage. 

  • Use of LED lighting in addition to tools and techniques that thrive with natural lighting. 

  • Minimizing single-use plastics and encouraging use of recycled and recyclable materials. 

  • Optimization of transportation by utilising local crew wherever possible. 

  • Encouraging remote working for our people and utilising shared office workplaces. 

  • Utilising third-party Studios instead of building new facilities and implementing sustainable set designs. 

  • Prioritising house-shares and B&Bs over hotels for accommodation. 

  • Organising conference calls instead of travelling to meetings where possible. 

  • Paperless processes, reducing the amount of printed documents. 

  • Employing policies towards offsetting carbon emissions and utilising designated recycling bins wherever possible. 

Our leading position in sustainable content creation is making a difference and it is something from which our clients also benefit, in terms of how it helps the environment, reduces costs and improves processes. 

FIXING US are not just specialists in creating content to support healthier lives around the world, we’re working hard to support a healthier planet. If you’re as passionate about this as we are or just interested in learning about how this can benefit you, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.


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